Willkommen zu einer weiteren Folge Haecksenwerk!
Haecksenwerk ist das Podcastkollektiv der Haecksen. Es geht um die ganze Bandbreite von Technik, Kultur und Feminismus. In unserem Podcast möchten wir Einblicke in Themen geben, die uns bewegen. Diese Folge ist ein Interview, das auf Englisch geführt wurde.
In this episode, Piko talks with Marla about feminist digital activism in Brazil.
Marla gives workshops on digital forensics and cyber security. She is member of two organizations: MariaLab, which organizes infrastructure and workshops for the general public, and the Transfeminist Network for Digital Care, a place for care for each other. This is part of a series about feminist hacker spaces all around the world.
MariaLab is a non-profit organisation with no political party ties or private sector companies that works at the intersection of politics, gender and technology.
We work for the valorisation of self-care in digital media, bringing technology to feminist spaces and feminism to technology spaces, building safe environments, both virtual and physical, with social, ethnic or economic cut-outs because we understand that this is the only way to build learning through the exchange and accumulation of knowledge between all.
Transfeminist Network of Digital Care
“DISH OF THE DAY: the digital care meal” project: https://pratododia.org/en/
The Transfeminist Network does not yet have a website.
Marla’s contact:
mar (at) interseclab.org
InterSecLab is a transfeminist research laboratory on political and targeted digital surveillance carried out by Estates against activists, human rights defenders and social movements. Our approach focuses on two aspects: the forensic analysis of devices and active research into state-sponsored surveillance.
Redaktion: piko
Sprechende: piko, Marla
Produktion: piko, phoenixtrixi, fuchur
Coverart: https://mullana.de/
Piko: Welcome to Haecksenwerk. This episode will be in English. Willkommen zum Haecksenwerk. Diese Folge wird auf Englisch sein, weil es sich um ein Interview handelt mit einer Hackerin aus Brasilien.