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Current Events, Haecksen Picnics and other Haecksen Gatherings

Event announcements can be found on our social media channels and in the Haecksen calendar:

For events where we curate our own program, you’ll also find dates and details at

Local Gatherings and Activities

Local groups hold various self-organized meetings, both analog and digital, including regular appointments and spontaneous gatherings, activities such as joint visits to theaters or museums, picnics, Geekfem meetups and more.

You can find dates and contact information on our Haecksen Map: or

Internal Meetings

Haecksen meet at all times of day and night to collaborate on various activities, including:

  • Project group meetings
  • Organizational team meetings
  • Special interest group meetups

Announcements, as well as the respective rooms to join, can be found in Rocket Chat. Many of these are also listed in the Haecksen Calendar. Some meetings are additionally announced via mailing list.


A few times a year, a digital Haecksen plenary takes place to collectively decide on structural changes, new and ongoing activities and to shape our Haecksen future.

Dates, information and opportunities for participation are announced via mailing list and Rocket Chat.


Once a year, Haecksen gather for a weekend to collaborate in person on current projects, foundational questions and creative implementations. We brainstorm, discuss, play, go for walks, dream up utopias and share meals — or not. Most of the time, we stay in a house or youth hostel, creating a camp-like atmosphere that’s both productive and fun. And: We create lots of great things in just a few days.

Dates and registration options are announced via mailing list and Rocket Chat.

If you can’t find dates, we’re happy to help. Just email us at

Casual Meetups

We also meet up casually just to spend time together. We arrange this on an irregular “on-the-fly” basis.


Rocket Chat

Rocket Chat is an important communication channel for Haecksen and our gatherings. If you’re already on our mailing list and would like access to Rocket Chat, send an email to to request an SSO account. This template will help you:

BBB Virtual Rooms

For digital meetings, the Haecksen use several BBB (Big Blue Button) rooms on You can find a list of our rooms at